
Alleviate the mundanity of printing and sending reports to Budget Holders on a weekly/monthly basis. e-Reporter is a tool which emails an informative and clear report, at the press of a button.

Simplify budget management.

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Saves hours of time producing reports.

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No more printing..

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Easy to maintain and manage.


Alleviate the periodic mundanity of printing and sending reports to Budget Holders.


Why spend time printing various reports for each recipient to then collate and post in their pigeon-hole? Emails are sent at the click of a few buttons and informative and clear reports are sent directly to the budget holder. It can be done in minutes every month, week, day, or hours!

The report is accompanied by a header email which can be edited with a personal message before sending. You are also able to send the report to multiple budget holders all at once.

It’s a simple and effective approach used by Academies across the country.

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